Project ID: 400618996
Call: EAC-A02-2019-CBHE
Period: 2021-2024
Project leader: University of Mostar
Project Partners: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – UNSA; Univerzitet u Bihacu – UNBI; Universiteti i Tiranës; European Education Initiative – European University of Tirana UET; Universitetit i Vlorës – Ismail Qemali- UTV; Universeti i Shkodrës Luigj Gurakuqi – University of Shkodra Luigj Gurakuqi; Universiteti “Fan S. Noli” Korçë – UNIKO; Skybridge Partners Outsourcing Services I.K.E.; Universiteti i Prishtinës; Universiteti Publik “Kadri Zeka” – UKZ; Universiteti Ndërkombëtar për Biznes dhe Teknologji UBT shpk – International University for Business and Technology; Kolegji Universum o.p – Universum College; Hellenic Open University – Elliniko Anichto Panepistimio HOU; University of Cyprus – UCY; Mitropolitiko College Anoymi Ekpaideytiki Etairia; Univerzitet Dzemal Bijedic u Mostaru sa Supsidijarnom Odgovornoscu Sasjedistem u Mostaru; CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD; Ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Nauke, Kulture i Sporta UNSKO-Sanskog Kantona – MONSK USK.
The aim is to provide practical solutions to help close the gap between industry needs/expectations and educational system outputs, by creating a STE(A)M education Master program.
The later will train in-service and future educators at all levels of education to implement STEAM-related courses in the target countries. Innovative learning material and services will be also developed offering educators a multidisciplinary perspective and participating universities the chance to exchange best practices, modernize, renew and align their curricula towards multidisciplinary skills and competencies necessary for rapidly changing job markets.
The consortium will transfer significant knowledge from the European Educational System that will be used by the partner country Institutions to design an advanced MSc Curriculum for STE(A)M education.