Under the framework of QUADIC project (Quality Development of International Cooperation and Project
Management), 3 days training sessions and meetings were organized at “Kadri Zeka” University Gjilan in
Kosovo from 27th February to 1st March 2023. Representatives of partner institutions from Kosovo
Albania and EU countries were physically present and participated in the sessions developed around
project development and implementation. Project Steering committee and Project Implementation Board
arranged their meetings during the first day of the training visit. During the 2nd day, there were developed
activities around such topics as “Managing mobilities from A to Z (presentation of good practices,
process, tools and difficulties in the different stages of mobilities management)”; Promoting international
mobilities (presentation of the innovative actions deployed at UCA and exercise on how to develop a
simplify process information for encouraging mobilities and Structuring the mobilities strategy and
services. How to manage lump sum projects and Preparing, implementing and monitoring a lump sum
budget was on the focus of the third day sessions. All the training sessions were covered by University
Cote D’Azur from France and UNISTRAPG, Italy. Best international practice and expertise was shared
by the EU partners followed by question and answer sessions.
UNIKO was represented by the project local coordinator Dr, Erinda Papa and IRO Ms. Fotjola Stillo.