In the framework of the ERASMUS+ DAYS, the academic staff and students of the Department of Marketing-Tourism at “Fan S. Noli” University held a meeting for the promotion of the results of one of the packages of the CBHE Erasmus+ project “Virtual Albanian European University Exchange”. During this activity, one of the good practices, implemented during the implementation of the VALEU-X project “International Virtual Collaboration Learning”, was presented to the participants by introducing the aim, the structure and the function of the VCL. The main idea, implemented within the VCL, was engaging students of the Professional Master “Teaching in English Language” in creating the realistic tasks, accomplished through online collaborative learning among team members. The aim of the VALEU-X incubator, in which 8 students from national and international universities were engaged to perform their tasks, was to develop a business idea into a successful Eco-Tourism Start-up.
The platform “Green’up Albania” was the Start-up innovative idea, in which the students of “Fan S. Noli” University had worked in collaboration with the other national and international students, involved in the VALEU-X project. This platform and its function was introduced to the students and the academic staff of the Department of Marketing-Tourism, Faculty of Economy in order to share experiences and collaborative ideas for the progress of this Start-up project in realizing its mission and objectives into the labor market. At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that this project helped students to gain professional skills in performing case studies, self-competency in organizing individual and collaborative learning processes and social competences, like collaborative skills through international team work with social software.