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University of Korca, Faculty of Natural and Humanity Sciences, Department of Biology-Chemistry, organize Korca Forum” focused on “Forest Management, Heating, Efficiency Energy and Green Economy in the Region, which will be held on March 29, 2019, from 10: 30 till 14:00, in the second floor of the building of the Faculty of Natural and Humanity Sciences, (former Division building), Str. “Nene Tereza”, Korce.

The Coalition “For a Green Region” has undertaken during 2018 a series of local meetings such as Pustec, Bilisht, Korça and Pogradec to discuss issues of transparency and accountability in forest management with local authorities and communities, enabling cooperation between local government, associations of users of communal forests and the administration of protected areas. The purpose of these activities was to raise public awareness and local administration, strengthen co-ordination at local level, and address the need to prioritize good forest management policies.

At the conclusion of these activities, there is an urgent need to reduce the use of firewood as a necessity to promote sustainable development and tourism in the region. From the recent FAO and INSTAT reports, only in the Korça region, in 2016, consumption reached 550,000 cubic meters of firewood. This situation is leading to the rapid elimination of the forest ecosystems of the region and beyond, making up the biggest environmental challenge facing this region.

In this context, “Korca Forum”  titled “For a  Green Region with a Green Economy” is organized in the framework of the civil society campaign undertaken by the coalition “For a Green Region” to raise awareness and foster the partnership among local governments, civil society and the business community to find solutions for heating households, to reduce the use of firewood for heating, to increase energy efficiency, reduce air pollution and promote the development of the green economy in Korça region.

In particular, the Korca Forum 2019, aims to put togather, opportunities, engagements, support and contributions of the donor’s organisations, for the development of an Outline Program for a Green Economy in Korca Region.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in “Korca Forum”, “For a Green Region with a Green Economy” according to the attached program. Please, sent an e-mail message at to register in the forum. For further questions on the organization, please contact Mr Redi Buzo at mobile phone: 069 37 04 763. For more information on the content, please consult the official website of the forum.

Agenda (PDF) (CLICK)

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