Host Institution: Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Erasmus+ Programme
Period: May 2022
Academic year: 2021/2022
On May 03-06, 2022 academic staff and students from “Fan S. Noli” University participated in the Kick-off event of the launching of E-tutor qualifications 2021 in the framework of VALEU-X Project, comprised of a series of four workshops and self-study assignments. The event was organized at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany with the participation of many invited professionals and students from different Universities around the world, as well as via Microsoft Teams Platform.
The aim of the E-tutoring workshops was to prepare academic staff and students to transfer their analogue teaching classes in the Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) concept through professional training sessions. After the qualification, the E-Tutors will be able to support VCL modules at their home institutions.
VALEU-X Project is planned as a comprehensive capacity building platform to facilitate intensive know-how transfer among the consortium members, in order to address the problems of outdated instructor-centered teaching methods and ineffective use of ICT in formal higher education by introducing the Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) pedagogical concept.