From 21 to 23 November, QUADIC organized a three days workshops in Prishtina. 1st day of the training took place at the University of Prishtina where participants had the chance to hear more about the “Prishtina International Summer University”, its impact on the internationalization of the university, and how they cope with the challenges of internationalization. The role of the Office for Research and the role of the International Relations Office in the coordination of international cooperation were presented by UP and discussed among participants. The day followed with a presentation from the University of Côte d’Azur on general characteristics and novelties of EU project submission and management.
The 2nd day of training took place at Heimerer College and started with presenting the internationalization of the college. Participants from the QUADIC consortium were part of the group work on continuing the development of new project grant applications and ideas were presented and discussed. University for Foreigners of Perugia presented didactic and services of the University and online communication. The next presentation consisted of the bottom-up approach to international cooperation by Heimerer College and the main challenges in managing Erasmus+ and ICM projects in Kosovo.
The 3rd training day was organized at the University of Business and Technology (UBT) in Pristina. Participants were welcomed by the Dean at the UBT Innovation campus. Previous discussions related to different types of mobility platforms continued, while specifics and practical information for using these platforms were shared by UBT professors. Workshops for platform training for mobility, project management, and for international cooperation were conducted. At the end of the day, a quality board meeting was held during which related updates and future actions in the area of project quality assurance were shared among consortium members.
QUADIC project is aimed at strengthening capacities in the area of project management and internationalization of higher education institutions in Kosovo and Albania by using the expertise of EU partners from Italy, Bulgaria, France, and Slovenia.