The 16th International Scientific Conference “Education and Culture in the Contemporary Society, was held ,on November 5th, 2021, in “Fan S. Noli” University .The conference was organized in 30 sessions during which were presented 210 papers, written by 310 authors and co-authors from 23 countries.
In the plenary session participated some of the representatives of the academic and administrative staff of “Fan S. Noli” University, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Ministry of Education and Sports; Ministry of Culture, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës and other participants from other institutions, who attended this conference via online platforms, such as: AAB College of Kosovo, the University of South-East Europe, Tetovo, Northern Macedonia; the Institute of Science and Technology, Kosovo; “Isa Boletini” University of Mitrovica.
The main focus of the conference was Education and Culture in the Contemporary Society and during the sessions of the conference, several social aspects and fields, were also presented and discussed among the participants, such as: Education and Sport; Education and leadership ; Student self-assessment; competency-based curriculum; distance teaching ect.
Another important session, was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Gjergj Fishta, as one of the most influential Albanian writers of the 20th century.
The conference was finalized with the signing of the cooperation agreement between the Academy of Sciences and the Albanian Institute of Sociology. The XVI International Scientific Conference “Education and Culture in Contemporary Society” continued the next day with other online presentations of the participants in the conference.