Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Partner/Sending Institution: Agriculture University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Erasmus+ Program: Teaching Mobility
Period: April 3-4, 2024
Academic year: 2023-2024
In April 3-4, 2024 within the framework of the Erasmus+ program academic staff representatives from the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria visited at the “Fan S. Noli” University in terms of the joint study program with the Faculty of Agriculture, Master Professional in “Sustainable Management in Agrotourism”.
The staff from Bulgaria were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, prof. as. dr. Gjergji Mero and other lecturers of the Faculty, where the progress of the almost one-year joint work in the framework of these collaborations was discussed.
They organized an open lecture with the students of the Faculty and they discussed the opportunities and the professional techniques at the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, where they can have an European experience in their field of study .
They were introduced with the activities, carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture, while the participants presented the importance of this cooperation in teaching and the development of practices at AUP in regard to the qualification of students and their employment opportunities, since Agriculture and Tourism are among the priorities of the Korça region.