Project: Integrated Sustainable Environmental Management with Decision Support System Implementation
Project Leader: GAUSS Institute, Bitola
Project Partners: “International Slavic Institute”, Bitola; CSO “Balkan Association for Friendship and Cooperation”, Bitola; University “Fan S. Noli”, Korca; NEHEMIA Foundation, Pogradec;
Period: September 2010 – September 2011
Results: Joint information and promotional structure and services, concern natural resources issues established. Developed and presented local and CB Natural Resources Inventory with DSS implementation.
Project S.JEP – 11016-96: Restructuring Teacher Training in Albania
Project Leader: University of the west of England (Bristol – UK)
Project Partners: Six public Universities of Albania.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 1996-2000
Results: 66 short-term mobility were organized.
Project: AC JEP 13175 -98 Creation d’une Delegation a la Formation Professionnelle
Project Leader: University d’Angers
Project Partners: T.E.I. de Thessaloniki, University of Tirana, University of Elbasan, University of Korca, University of Vlora, ATHS
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 1998-2000
Results: Improving professional skills of university staff and the development of tourism sector.
Project: UM JEP 13456-98 Strengthening the cooperation between Higher Education and Rural Economy: Continuing Education and Integrated extension – Curriculum development in Two Albanian Universities.
Project Leader: Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Project Partners: University Collage of Dublin, Tirana Agriculture University, University “Fan S. Noli” of Korca, AFADA, Agricultural and Food Ministry, Albania.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 1998-2000
Results: Establishment of Teaching laboratory.
Project: Cross Cooperation in the Prespa – Ohrid Region.
Project Leader: East west Institute
Project Partners: University “Fan S. Noli”, Korce, Regional Development Agency, Korce.
Funded by: Cross Border Program – Interreg
Period: 2001-2005
Results: Joint Conferences, Exchange of students.
Project: JEP 15007-2000 Enhancing Regional Co-operation in Southeastern Europe: Curriculum updating and Adoption for Tertiary Level Hospitality and Tourism Courses”
Project Leader: Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Project partners: Leeds Metropolitan University, Hame Polytechnic University, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Bitola, University “Fan S. Noli” Korce, University “Aleksande Xhuvani” Elbasan, Municipality of Ohrid.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 2000-2003
Results: Curriculum development in Tourism Courses
Project: JEP 15046 – 2000 Reseau Blkanique SAA (Sciencies Agronomiques, Agroalimentares)
Project Leader: Agrena Ensar, Jean Barloy, France
Project partners: Agricultural University of Tirana, University “Fan S. Noli” of Korca, University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka, University of Tuzla
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 2000-2002
Project: JEP 15061 – 2000 Troisieme Cycle en Gestion Agricole ed Etudes Europeenns.
Project Leader: Agrena Ensar, Jean Barloy, France
Project partners: Agricultural University of Tirana, University “Fan S. Noli” of Korca, IFDC/AATA, Ecole Nationale Superieur De Formation De Rennes, Institute Nationale Superier De Formation.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 2000-2002
Results: New Curricula development
Project: JEP 16081 – 2001 Improvement of teaching Quality in South East Europe
Project Leader: Poschardt Dieter Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen, Nuremberg
Project partners: Bayerisches Staatsministerium fuer Unterricht und Kultus-Munchen, University “Fan S. Noli” of Korca, University “Aleksander Xhuvani” Elbasan, University “Eqerem Cabej” of Gjirokastra.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 2001-2004
Results: Training of academic staff
Project: JEP 16118-2001 Improving Curricula of Teaching Foreign Cultures
Project Leader: Universita Degli Studi di Bari
Project Partners: University “Alaksander Xhuvani” Elbasan, University “Fan S. Noli” Korce, Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora, University “Luigj Gurakuqi” Shkoder.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 2001 – 2003
Results: Improvement of Foreign Languages Curricula
Project: Retraining and continuing education of tourism teachers in Albania – JEP 7779
Project Leader: University d’Angers, France
Project partners: Faculty of Economics, Tirana; University “Fan S. Noli” Korce.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 1994-1997
Results: This project contributed to translating in Albanian a book related to the Marketing Foundations. It trained young professionals and the academic staff of the Albanian Faculties.
Project: S-JEP 06130-93 Curriculum development and implementation through the training of Albanian university teachers.
Project Leader: Panepistimio Macedonias Thessalonica Greece.
Project Partners: University of Tirana, Tirana Agricultural University, Polytechnic University of Korca, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK.
Funded by: TEMPUS program
Period: 1993 – 1996
Results: New curricula Development.