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Prill 2022


Në datën 29 prill 2022, Qendra për të Drejtat në Punë zhvilloi në mjediset e Universitetit “Fan S. Noli” një takim ndërgjegjësues, ku u bënë të njohura gjetjet e studimit “Dhuna dhe ngacmimi në botën e punës në Shqipëri: Një qasje krahasimore e gjashtë sektorëve strategjikë të ekonomisë”.  Të pranishmit në takim studentë, përfaqësues të...
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Kryetar: Prof. dr. Dhimitri Bello                                           

Anëtarë: Prof. dr. Gjergji Pendavinji                                   

Prof. dr. Ali Jashari

Prof. dr. Robert Damo

Prof. dr. Irena Nikaj

Prof. dr. Lorenc Ekonomi

Prof. as. dr. Ledina Alolli

Prof. as. dr. Sonela Stillo

Prof. as. dr. Jonela Spaho

Prof. as. dr. Gjergji Mero

Prof. Ionel Roventa, Universiteti i Craiovës, Rumani

Assoc. Prof. Mihaela Alexandrina Popescu, Universiteti i Craiovës, Rumani

Prof. Elena Griva, University of Western Macedonia 

Ass. Prof. Anastasia Yannakopoulou, University of Western Macedonia 

Assoc. Prof. Gergana Padareva – Faculty of philology, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Assoc. Prof. Bilyana Todorova – Faculty of philology, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Atanasov– Technical faculty, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

 Assoc. Prof. Daniela Tomova – Faculty of pedagogy, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Assoc. Prof. Bilyana Yordanova – Faculty of philosophy, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Assoc. Prof. Emil Gachev - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Prof. dr. Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova - Faculty of Public health, health care and sport, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Assoc. prof. Miglena Simonska-Tsatsova  - Faculty of Public health, health care and sport, “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad 

Prof. Georgios Floudas, Dean of the Sciences School, University of Ioannina
Prof. Evangelia Karagianni- Karagiannopoulou, Dean of Social Sciences School, University of Ioannina
Prof. Katerina Plakitsi, Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Ioannina.

Sekretar: Dr. Benita Stavre                                                



“Fan S. Noli” University (UNIKO) mission as a higher education institution is to create, transmit, develop and protect knowledge, through teaching, scientific research and the services it provides. This mission is accomplished through the elaboration and implementation of policies, principles and procedures that supervise the financial and logistical support that UNIKO offers to its academic units. For this reason, the main aim of UNIKO supporting research structures is focused on the creation of the institutional research mechanisms related to well-defined priorities and involvement of academic staff in quality research activities, without avoiding elements of the scientific product, publications, partnerships, marketing and services to third parties. The Scientific Research at UNIKO is based on standards defined by the European Research Area.

- Human resources;

- Research Infrastructure;

- Regional and international cooperation;

- Relations to economy and society.


Based on an earlier tradition that has served as the basis for the research and scientific work of the pedagogues of "Fan S. Noli" University, in 1996 it was published the first Volume of the annual periodical "Scientific Bulletin". In 2009 the Bulletin was indexed with no. ISSN 2078-7111. In the thirty-two volumes published so far, the Bulletin has been published in two series: the social sciences series and the applied sciences series, representing a collective work, which was nurtured over the years by almost all the pedagogues of the university, as well as by the works of professors and researchers from other local and foreign universities and institutions.


The mission of the Scientific Bulletin of "Fan S. Noli" University is to promote the scientific achievements of researchers and scholars who publish in it. With new scientific research inputs and the contribution of international researchers, the Bulletin is approaching inclusion in well-known and indexed impact factor databases. Achieving this goal aims to make the Bulletin more popular in the international arena.


During the 26 years of its annual publication, the Bulletin has supported the academic work strengthening, curricula improvement, the approach towards interest groups to take their opinions with the aim to create bridges of cooperation with the regional job market. The Bulletin has also served to promote research outcomes within the University and beyond.

With the research studies published in its specific volumes and series, the Bulletin has become a practical resource and a bridge between research and teaching, as well as research and various aspects of regional development, one of the main pillars that increase the applicability quality of the academic activity of the University as a Higher Education Institution.

It is worth mentioning that in the Scientific Bulletin have been welcomed and published the scientific research work of researchers from the University of Tirana, the University of Pristina, from Universities in Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, etc., which indicates that the name and level of this bulletin has increased considerably in the national as well as international arena.

In the Bulletin, there have also been published the scientific research outcomes by professors and students participating in TEMPUS, CEPUS, IPA projects.

The Scientific Bulletin of the University is based on the open-access concept. It is published and shared in such a format that it is open, free, available and accessible to all as it is also published as an online scientific journal in the official website of the University.

Universiteti i Elbasanit “Aleksandër Xhuvani” Universiteti i Tiranës Universiteti Bujqësor, Tiranë (UBT) Albanian University, Fakulteti i Shkencave Shoqërore Universiteti i New York-ut, Tiranë Universiteti Mesdhetar i Shqipërisë Kolegji Universitar TBU – Tirana Business University Universiteti “Marin Barleti” Kolegjit Universitar “Logos”, Tiranë Universiteti i Sporteve, Tiranë “Nehemiah Gateway” University, Poradec             *      *        *  Akademia e...
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Në datën 29 prill 2022 në Fakultetin e Edukimit dhe Filologjisë u zhvillua një veprimtari për prezantimin e romanit “Bijat e Gjeneralit” të shkrimtares dhe përkthyeses Mimoza Hysa. Në këtë promovim të organizuar nga FEF në bashkëpunim me Klubin e Shkrimtarëve “Bota e re”, Korçë dhe Rrjetin e Kritikës Letrare ishte e pranishme edhe gazetarja...
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Department: Teaching and Research E+ Programme: Exchange academic staff Partner/Sending Institution: Institut Agronomique Mediterranean de Montpellier Academic year: 2021/2022 On April, 4-8 2022, Tristan Berchoux, Professor of Rural Geography and Gis, in Montpellier, France completed a cycle of open lectures with the students of “Fan S. Noli” University. The first lecture was held under the topic...
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Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Biznesit Jönköping, SuediUniversity “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, MacedoniaUniversiteti i Gjakovës “Fehmi Agani”, Kosovë International University of StrugaKolegji AAB, Prishtinë KosovëUniversiteti i Portos, PortugaliUniversiteti Trakya, Edirne, TurkeyQëndra për Marrëdhënie Ndërkombëtare dhe Studime Ballkanike ShkupLidhja e Diasporës Shqiptare për MaqedoninëUniversiteti Teknik i Cluj-Napoca, Qendra Universitare Veriore e Baia Mare, RumaniUniversiteti St. Kliment Ohridski , BitolaShkolla...
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Project ID: 400618996 Call: EAC-A02-2019-CBHE Period: 2021-2024 Project leader: University of Mostar Project Partners: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – UNSA; Univerzitet u Bihacu – UNBI; Universiteti i Tiranës; European Education Initiative – European University of Tirana UET; Universitetit i Vlorës – Ismail Qemali- UTV; Universeti i Shkodrës Luigj Gurakuqi – University of Shkodra Luigj Gurakuqi; Universiteti “Fan S. Noli” Korçë –...
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Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences E+ Programme: Exchange administrative staff Partner/Sending Institution: South-West University “Neofit Rilski” Period: February, 23 – February, 25, 2022 Academic year: 2021/2022 On February, 23-25, 2022, a delegation of academic and administrative staff of the “Neofit Rilski”, University, Bulgaria visited University “Fan S. Noli”, Korça, in the framework of cooperation between...
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Project ID: 400610360 Call: EAC-A03-2018-CBHE Period: 2020-2022 Project Leader: Technische Universitaet Dresden – TUD Project Partners: Universiteti “Aleksander Xhuvani”, Elbasan-University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”; Turgut Ozal Education sha; Universiteti “Fan S. Noli” Korçë – UNIKO; Universiteti “Aleksander Moisiu” Durrës –“Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durrës; Universiteti i Shkodrës “Luigj Gurakuqi”-University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”; UNIMED – Unione delle Universita...
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