The University of Korça was created on 7 January 1992, on the basis of the High Agricultural Institute of Korça (1971-1992). It was composed of three faculties: Agriculture, Education, and Economics. In 1994 it was given the name “Fan S. Noli” and in the same year The School of Nursing, was opened. In the academic year 2009- 2010 was opened in the city of Pogradec , a branch of The University of Korça in the study program of Tourism.
In the academic year 2011-2012 the Faculty of Education was divided in two facultites:
The University “Fan S, Noli” of Korça has approximately 7200 students. There are 130 full time pedagogues and lecturers teaching (70 per cent of which hold titles and degrees); there are 115 part time pedagogues as well. The studies in this University are organized full-time and part-time in three levels: first level “Bachelor”, second level “Master of Science” and “Professional Master” and third level “Doctorate / PhD” based on the Bologna Declaration.
During the academic year 2015-2016 the University of Korça is preparing specialists in these programs of study:
I – Faculty of Natural and Human Sciences issues Bachelor diplomas in the following study programs:
II – Faculty of Education and Philology issues Bachelor diplomas in the following study programs:
III – Faculty of Economics issues Bachelor diplomas in the following study programs:
IV – Faculty of Agriculture issues Bachelor diplomas in the following study programs:
1. During the academic year 2014-2015 in the Faculty of Education and Philology continue the study programs of “Professional Master” in Education and at the end of the program are these diplomas issued:
“Professional Master in Education” for the High Level of Basic Education in these subjects:
as well as
“Professional Master in Education” for the Middle Education in the subject:
In the academic year 2014-2015 in University “Fan S. Noli” continue the part-time study program “Professional Master in Education".
2. In the academic year 2014-2015 in the Faculty of Natural and Human Sciences continue the study program “Professional Master in Education” and at the end of the program are these diplomas issued:
“Professional Master in Education” for the High Level of Basic Education in these subjects:
as well as
“Professional Master in Education” for the Middle Education in the subject:
During the academic year 2014-2015 continues the study program of the second level ( Master of Science ) in Social Philosophy.
3. In the Faculty of Agriculture continues the study program:
“Professional Master” in the Integrated Rural Development
4. In the academic year 2014-2015 in the Faculty of Economics are opened the Master study programs in:
In the academic year 2011-2012 in the Faculty of Agriculture are opened the study programs of the third level, Doctorature in “Sustainable Horticulture”.
Fan Noli University cooperates with various teaching and scientific institutions both within the country and abroad.
Since 1996 the university has published the periodical “Scientific Bulletin”. This periodical showcases the life’s work of faculty and their research accomplished with various collaborators from the community.
The university has a main library with contains nearly 30, 000 books in both Albanian as well as in various other foreign languages, and each faculty is equipped with a subject specific library.