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Publications in Agriculture Faculty

2.1 International Publications

  1. The evalution of the bean autochthonous germoplasma  in Korca region”, The annals of “Valahia” University of Targovista 2018. Impact factor 10.2478/agr- 2018 – 0008 Maho. A, Mero.Gj.
  2. Quantity and quality of essential oils in Albania ecotypes of Sage” online International Interdisciplinary Resarch Journal. ( Bi – Monthly )ISSN 2249 – 9598 volume 008. Issue 004 july – Aug 2018 Issue  A. Mato.A, Mero.Gj,Bardhi.N.
  3. Preservation of sage natural resources and the opportunity for its cultivation” online International Interdisciplinary Resarch Journal. ( Bi – Monthly )ISSN 2249 – 9598 volume 008. Issue 004 july – Aug 2018 Issue  A. Mato.A, Mero.Gj, Bardhi.N.
  4. Minga, A; Doçi, E; Lipi, K; “Evaluations of income efficiency in apple production sector a SFA approach”  The European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 6 2017 Vienna, Austria
  5. Minga, A; Sosoli I; “Determinants of cost of apple production in the area of Korca – an econometric approach” European Academic Research Vol V. Issue 8/ November 2017
  6. Doçi, E; Salko, A; Minga, A; “The role and the impact of microfinance in the financing of rural areas in Albania” European Journal of Economics and Management Sciences Scientific journal № 3 2017 ISSN 2310-5690.
  7. Marku. D; “The competitiveness of commodity chains in Albania toëard the EU integration”. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. ISSN 2348 0386, Vol V, Issue 5. Impact factor GIF 0.656. 2017. United Kingdom.
  8. Rezana Pengu, Etleva Delia (2017): Phytase as a feed additives, that improves performance parameters of weaned piglets in extensive farm conditions. European Journal of Advanced Research in Biological and Life Sciences, Progressive Academic Publishing, UK, Vol 5, N 2, pg 52-56, ISSN 2211-3682.