Faculty Council of the higher education institutions is a collegial body headed by the Dean and composed of: a) Dean; b) Vice dean; c) administrator of the main unit; ç) representatives of base units; d) Other authorities defined in the statute of the higher education institution.
The vice deans are full-time members of academic staff. They are appointed and dismissed by the Dean, as stipulated in the statute of the higher education institution.
Faculty Council elaborates a strategic development plan of the main unit, based on proposals of its basic units, as well as its administrator. Dean’s Office coordinates the activity of basic units. Dean functions are defined in the statute and regulations of the higher education institution.
Prof. as. dr. Pavllo Cicko – Dean
Prof. as. dr. Irena Nikaj – Head of Education Department
Prof. as. dr. Jonela Spaho – Head of Language and Literature Department
Dr. Benita Stavre – Head of Foreign Languages Department
PhD. Metin Venxha – Head of History-Geography Department