A visit in Prizren and Prishtina! The second year students in “Business Administration in Tourism” study program!
April 30, 2017
A Visit the Medieval Art Museum! An asset of indisputable value of our Cultural Heritage!
Tourism Fair – 21-22.12.2013
This Tourism Fair was organised by the students of Professional Master in Tourism as part of the teaching practice.. It was conducted in the n the city’s pedestrian area an it aimed the promotion of the values and touristic attraction of Korca and businesses operating in the tourism sector.
The Patisserie Fair 2014, 2015, 2016
The Patisserie Fair is organized by the students of the study program in Business Administration and Marketing and Business Administration in Tourism in terms of their teaching practice. It was conducted with the participation of 6 businesses of Korca through which the students has the possibility to realize their practice. According to the agreement with these businesses, the incomes collected by the sale of their products were used for charity purposes.
Participation at the Cross Border Tourism Fair, conducted in Pogradec, December 2014.
December 2014
The organization of a touristic visit in Korca by the students of Professional Master in Tourism in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of National Culture, Korce. The students, under the role of the Touristic Guider, accompanied the group of the third year students of the study program “Business Administration on Tourism” in the touristic attractions of the city.
The Students of Professional Master Study Program in Tourism and Profesional Maser in Marketing, in the closing meeting of the Virtual Project Action Real Result.
February 2015, February 2016
In cooperation with the Regional Directorate of National Culture, there are organized open lectures under the topic “Tangible Cultural Heritage in the Region of Korca” and “Intangible heritage”, in the premises of “Fan S. Noli” University. These activities aimed the enrichment of the theoretical material acquired by the students of the professional master program in the subject “Cultural Tourism” and “Cultural Tourism”.
The training activities in terms of the project “The development of the touristic product for a sustainable economic growth of the Region of Korca and Gost6ivar, financed by the European Comittee.
In this activity participated the students of the Study Program “Business Administration in Tourism”, and the students of Professional Master in Toursim and Marketing. The training activities were conducted based on the modules: The Principles and Practices of Tourism, Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage and The Development of the Touristic Product. During these training activities, the students had the opportunity to be familiar with the newest and the most successful practices in the sector of tourism, as well as they deepened their knowledge about the topics which were taken into consideration. At the end of the activities, the students received a Ceretficate of Participation.
A picture from the visit in Voskopja with the students of third year of the study program “Tourism and Marketing” at the end of the academic year 2014 – 2015.
June 2015.
Participation in the Conference under the topic: “Presentation of the development of labour force and industry potential of Tourism” – recommendation of the expert. This conference was conducted in terms of the project: “The development of the touristic product for a sustainable economic growth of the Region of Korca, financed by the European Committee. In this activity, the students had the opportunity to get acquainted with some of the latest labour market demands and to understand better where to focus on developing their skills for being competitive in this labour market.
The students of Professional Master in Tourism during a visit in the Savage Water System.
This visit was conducted as a practical class for the module “Environment Administration”.
Pictures from the visit of the Professional Master students in Tourism in the Faculty of Tourism in University of Bitola.
This was a visit which opened the way for co-operation in different projects as well as for common projects for the students.
A visit in the Incubator of Business – December 2015
The students of the Study Program “Business “Administration in Tourism” and “Business Administration in Marketing”, in the Incubator of Business premises. The aim of the visit was knowing the environment, the services offered and the continuous cooperation opportunities between the University and Incubator.
The students expressed their interest and enthusiasm in considering the incubator as an innovation for Korca city as well as a stimulant and support factor for all the young people who want to start a business!
January 2016
In terms of the project: “The development of the touristic product for a sustainable economic growth of the Region of Korca, financed by the European Committee, students of the Study Program “Business Administration in Tourism”, “Business Administration in Marketing” and the students of Professional Master in Tourism and Marketing conducted an internship period near to the touristic business of Korca.
February 2016
A visit in some of the assets of the cultural heritage of Korca and the students of Professional Master in tourism.
June 2016
The students of Professional Master in Tourism during the visit in Saint Maria.
June 2016
An unforgettable visit to the Golik Bridge and the Tombs of Selca! We are proud of the natural beauties and rich cultural heritage of our area! Let’s try to make them more accessible to visitors!
Professional Master in Tourism.
June 2016
The students of the study program Business Administration in Tourism and Business Administration in Marketing during their visit in the Mosaic of Lin.