A global association of French-speaking higher education and research institutions, which brings together more than 1,000 university establishments on all continents in 115 countries.
Mission: Act for a united university Francophonie committed to development
Respecting the diversity of cultures and languages, the AUF acts for a university Francophonie committed to the economic, social and cultural development of societies.
Method: Structuring projects for a concrete improvement of higher education
The AUF promotes solidarity between higher education and research institutions for the implementation of projects that concretely transform the university system. It cooperates with many partners: private companies, national development agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and academic, scientific and cultural institutions. Its teams, around the world, provide follow-up sessions and advice for the design and monitoring of projects, facilitate the sharing of good practices, expertise and innovation.
“Fan S. Noli” University, has participated in several projects funded by Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), as follows:
- Regional Competition – This project was implemented within the Call for projects “Turning Good Ideas Into Start-ups”.
In the framework of the call for projects “Turning Good Ideas Into Start-ups” a group of 5 students from the Faculty of Education and Philology and the Faculty of Economics, “Fan S. Noli” University participated through their collaboration and contribution to this project, by focusing on the creation and implementation of a Start-up project to approach the French language and culture through the use of technology. The central idea of this project:
1- regional cooperation between students from different countries, cultures and formations, towards knowing, using and exploring the French language and culture.
The main objective:
- Activating the French language and providing access to French culture through technology, which means that young people, mainly students, will have access to learn the French language and to get to know French culture through online platforms with the aim of:
1.1 the organization and development of practical lessons of the French language, offering the possibility of cooperation and sharing cultures from different institutions and countries that basically have an interest in knowing and studying it;
1.2 the study of French culture, through the connection with the daily life of French-speakers, that is, through long-distance cooperation with colleagues in universities and different countries that use the French language;
List and description of project activities:
- Organization and development of practical French language lessons.
- Organization of classes in the French language, where students can spend more time with people who come from the cultures of the language in question.
- creation of an agenda of activities within the network, aiming to:
- learning the French language
- French art
- the French culture
Expected outcomes:
The study of French culture, in relation to the daily life of French speakers, that is, through remote collaboration with colleagues from universities and from different countries that use the French language;
Knowledge of French culture can be achieved through the use of technology by following the methods given below:
The organization of lessons in classes for the development of encounters for the French language, where students can spend more time with people from the cultures of the language in question.
The Alliance Française was created above all to promote knowledge and appreciation of the French language and Francophone cultures, and to encourage friendship and cooperation with the French-speaking world. The Alliance Française is found in many major cities around the world, such as New York, Beijing, Lima and Dakar, as well as the Alliance Française Paris Île-de-France, where French is taught as a foreign language. Apart from French lessons, the Alliance française organizes cultural events, such as cinema, conferences and readings. Online resources can provide access to French culture.
- Regional Call for Expressions of Interest 2022: Support for the Organization of University Sports Events
In the framework of the regional project “Active Youth”, UNIKO, in cooperation with the University “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkodër and the University of St. Kliment Orhidski, Bitola, North Macedonia, participated and contributed to innovative ideas and practices to engage young people in sports.
The main objectives:
- The inclusion of Sport in the active life of students at UNIKO
- The importance of sport in the context of youth education and the university curriculum.
- Encouraging young people to practice sports, under the responsibility of UNIKO academic staff.
List and description of project activities:
- The creation of football/volleyball clubs between the three universities, within the study program in “Education and Sports”.
- Organization of theoretical and practical training sessions for students of the Physical Education and Sports study program.
- Master-class.
- Realization of a football/volleyball match between the teams of the universities.
- Organization of a game of chess with students at the University.
- Demonstration of self-defense techniques, by St. Kliment Orhidski University, Bitola, North Macedonia.
Expected outcomes:
It is expected that this project will contribute to the university, by following other activities, such as: the preparation of students, in specific training to become future teachers (tutors) for new generations, the promotion student skills and connection with the job market, practices and internships abroad for students in advanced training, etc.
- Creating a consortium between the member universities of the AUF for the promotion of sports activities
- Creating a base of material to raise young people’s awareness of the importance of sport (in French)
- Drafting of a guide on the activities of the sports program as a guide for partners
- University Governance and Digital Transformation
In the context of the call for applications “University Governance and Digital Transformation” “Fan S. Noli” University participated in this project with the aim of increasing the capacities in the training of UNIKO staff, in relation to the management and smooth running of the teaching process/ online learning and administrative policies. This initiative aimed to prepare the university for the ranking of Institutions of Higher Education, which will be carried out by the governing bodies in Albania. UNIKO has been accredited for a period of 5 years by the British Agency for Quality Assurance and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Albania, and within the framework of this project UNIKO will create the beginnings towards concrete steps towards interregionalism and internationalization policies designed in The Strategic Development Plan of the ̋Fan S. Noli̎ University, 2022-2027.
The main objectives:
- Preparing the structures and internal actors and partners of the UK for the inclusion of the institution in the national, regional and global rankings of the institution by increasing its own capacities in accordance with the requirements/criteria applied by different ranking methodologies.
- Informing leaders, academic staff and students about the ranking/ranking of institutions, scientific research programs, and researchers at the national and international level.
- Considering the ranking as a quality mechanism and its impact at the institutional level, increasing the institution’s performance in international rankings.
- Informing about the ranking methodology of Albanian institutions and measurable indicators. The concept of self-declaration of measurable and qualitative data, the methodology of data processing, evaluation and weighting, information in the web environment and evaluation.
- Developing a concrete plan for the inclusion of the institution in various national, regional and international rankings focusing on the most important indicators at the institutional level
List and description of project activities:
- Presentation of the Module 1 & 2
- Institution of higher education in the context of social, economic development, etc..
- The impact of an institution on the development of the country. Increasing reputation at national and international level.
- Qualitative comparison of institutions. Ranking of institutions and programs and why it is needed.
2. Presentation of the Module 3 & 4
- Methodology in international rankings, examples and practices.
- Albanian institutions in the context of the global ranking, current situation.
- Development of the methodology for the ranking of universities in Albania.
3. Presentation of the Module 4 & 5
- Involvement of “Fan S. Noli” University in the ranking processes and how the results can be read and used for the development of the institution.
- “Fan S. Noli” University, Korça in the context of regional and national development.
Expected outcomes:
Building the institutional capacities, preparing a group at the institutional level with the necessary experience, which will coordinate the activities within the rankings that the institution will undertake in the future.
- International Professional Internship – Mobility 2022
Students of “Fan S. Noli” University applied for the International Professional Internship mobility in order to use their skills and knowledge of the workplace, with a view to professional integration. International Professional Internship mobility is granted for a period of 1 to 3 months. The internship is part of the students’ university course.